Upright Meaning:

Pulling the Six of Cups upright in a home and family reading is telling me that you are very connected to your family. This card is all about childhood, childhood wonder, tradition, and taking care of one another.

You may be looking to an elder, though not much older, for help right now. Is there something an older sibling or cousin can share with you at this time? It might be money, but it is more likely a family tradition. Have you wanted to try some of your grandmother’s recipes? See who in your family has them, ask for their help.

This could also indicate an act of charity from a family member. Your older sibling, cousin, or parent may be planning to give you some kind of support to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; your family wants to support you in whatever way they can.

Reversed Meaning:

As we discussed in the career and money reading, the Six of Cups reversed indicates a movement towards independence. So if you’ve pulled this card reversed in your home and family reading, it’s telling you to make your move and move out of your family’s home.

If you don’t live with your parents or a family member or any kind of situation where you aren’t paying rent or are perhaps paying a very low rent, consider your current state. Are you ready for another challenge? The Six of Cups thinks you are. Since it’s in your family and home reading, this is telling me that it’s time for you to physically move on. Look for a new place, probably farther from your family than you’ve ever lived before. You’re ready!