Upright Meaning:
Pulling the Six of Cups upright in a love reading could indicate a few things.
Firstly, since this card refers to the past, the obvious place to start is an ex coming back into your life. This could be a good or bad thing, as all exes can go either way in that sense! Be cautious, don’t let yourself get caught up in the good memories. If this person has hurt you, you need to address how they did and why before letting yourself fall back in love with them. Don’t get so caught up in the good times you had that you forget if they were ever abusive, toxic, or dishonest.
If you are still with your partner, you’re probably going to experience a time of affection and love. This is going to come from a period of remembering your honeymoon phase or reconnecting with the activities you did when you were falling in love. This is going to be a lovely rekindling of affection for you both. Enjoy it!
Reversed Meaning:
If the Six of Cups is reversed in a love reading, the ex-factor is still relevant. If you’ve been thinking about them a lot and the Six of Cups is reversed, this isn’t the person for you. Yes, I’m sure you had happy moments, we all do, but that doesn’t mean the relationship was good or right for you. I encourage you to do what you can to get out, distract yourself romantically, and do your best to put that ex out of your mind.
You also may be already chatting or dating your ex but keeping it from your friends. You’re doing this because you know your friends don’t like the ex. Is their distaste warranted? Did this person hurt you before? Whatever their reasoning, you’re keeping it from them because you’re afraid of being judged by them. This isn’t a healthy situation; figure your way out of it.
If you’re in a relationship and you pull the Six of Cups reversed, this could be a kick in the butt to stop living in the past. You may be thinking of an ex; you may be unable to let go of a betrayal or argument between you and your partner. If you have forgiven, it’s time to move forward. If you cannot forgive, it’s a different conversation which you owe your partner. Don’t hold a grudge: either move forward with them or move forward without them.