The Six of Cups is the card of childhood, nostalgia, comfort, and familiarity. The card shows a young boy leaning down and passing a cup filled with flowers to a young girl. The girl is happy and grateful, looking back to the boy with love. This shows the passing of traditions, happy reunions, and childhood innocence.
The Six of Cups reminds us that our inner child is important in a meaningful relationship. When we are with someone who we truly love and trust, our inner child will feel free to roam and play. Listen to your innermost self, as your young self is deeply in touch with your intuition. Your child self is young, but they are also wise.
Upright Meaning:
If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Six of Cups, it indicates a positive yes. The Six of Cups manifests a feeling of nostalgia and innocence. This card means you feel joyful and more connected to your inner child. You are encouraged to let go of things that are holding you back. Take this as a sign to follow your passions like a child.
For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Six of Cups indicates a nostalgic yes. This card signifies looking back on previous memories. You may be cherishing the comfortable familiarity of someone you’ve known for a long time. The more you remember all the good memories, your feelings will strengthen. Look forward to more exciting things to come.
For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Six of Cups indicates an affirmative yes. This card tells you to reflect on your career’s journey. This will help you learn from your past mistakes. You can condition your mind not to make the same mistakes in the future. Use this as an opportunity to improve yourself and the people surrounding you.
For new and potential relationships, the Six of Cups is a favorable yes. The Six of Cards symbolizes optimism and nostalgic feelings. This could indicate a longing to return to the past when everything was new and easy. Take this as a sign to be inspired by the start of your relationship. Remember why you started and keep going,
For existing relationships, the Six of Cups is a powerful yes. This card represents being more mature in your choices by considering your past experiences. Disagreements may be caused by immaturity. This may also indicate having children in the future. Use this as a sign to take responsibility for your actions.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Six of Cups is a passionate yes. The Six of Cups may imply a past lover returning to your life. The familiarity may be too intense to ignore. If you intuitively feel this is best for you, getting back together is possible. If you’re hoping for reconciliation, this is a good sign.
Reversed Meaning:
If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Six of Cups, it indicates a positive yes. The Six of Cups manifests a feeling of nostalgia and innocence. This card means you feel joyful and more connected to your inner child. You are encouraged to let go of things that are holding you back. Take this as a sign to follow your passions like a child.
For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Six of Cups indicates a nostalgic yes. This card signifies looking back on previous memories. You may be cherishing the comfortable familiarity of someone you’ve known for a long time. The more you remember all the good memories, your feelings will strengthen. Look forward to more exciting things to come.
For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Six of Cups indicates an affirmative yes. This card tells you to reflect on your career’s journey. This will help you learn from your past mistakes. You can condition your mind not to make the same mistakes in the future. Use this as an opportunity to improve yourself and the people surrounding you.
For new and potential relationships, the Six of Cups is a favorable yes. The Six of Cards symbolizes optimism and nostalgic feelings. This could indicate a longing to return to the past when everything was new and easy. Take this as a sign to be inspired by the start of your relationship. Remember why you started and keep going,
For existing relationships, the Six of Cups is a powerful yes. This card represents being more mature in your choices by considering your past experiences. Disagreements may be caused by immaturity. This may also indicate having children in the future. Use this as a sign to take responsibility for your actions.
If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Six of Cups is a passionate yes. The Six of Cups may imply a past lover returning to your life. The familiarity may be too intense to ignore. If you intuitively feel this is best for you, getting back together is possible. If you’re hoping for reconciliation, this is a good sign.