Upright Meaning:

Love is a resource. When the Six of Pentacles turns up upright in a love reading, it means that you and your partner are in a period of balance and are able to be generous with your emotions together. If you need something from your partner, asking now will be met with an understanding and outpouring of whatever it is you need, no strings attached.

If you are single, now is the time to be open with yourself and what you are ready and able to give to a future relationship. You could have a generous partner coming to you or find that you are able to give yourself the love you would otherwise lavish onto someone else. 

Reversed Meaning:

Check the power dynamics in your relationship if you receive Six of Pentacles reversed in a love reading. You may have an unequal relationship where one of you is more invested than the other, or one is simply using the other for their financial or social status.

If you are single, be wary of the people who are trying to make their way into your circle. They may be using you for love or money or some other gain. You may have found that you have lacked a voice in relationships in the past, and now is the time to work on standing up and advocating for yourself in a relationship.