The Six of Wands is the card of success, victory, triumph, achievement, rewards, and recognition. The card shows a man riding a horse through a crowd of people. A crown of victory sits on his head. Everyone in the crowd acknowledges this man’s achievements and success. This card is a celebration of victory.  

The Six of Wands reminds us that there is success to be found in every corner of the Universe. Victory can be yours. You can manifest the success you want into your life. Set your intention and watch it come back to you. If you are looking for love, this card is a good sign.

Upright Meaning:

If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Six of Wands, it indicates a yes in the form of confidence. This card signifies success and recognition. Your hard work will soon pay off. The people around you will start acknowledging your efforts. You will reach a level of success in your life.

For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Six of Wands indicates a strong yes. The person you love celebrates you. They have seen all your hardships and think you deserve everything you desire. You greatly inspire them. Take this as an opportunity to impress them and sweep them off their feet.

For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Six of Wands indicates a positive yes. Success is all around you. All you need to do is grab it. People think you’re a great leader and want to be guided by you. Your hard work will not go unnoticed, and some form of reward awaits.

For new and potential relationships, the Six of Wands is a powerful yes. Your new partner thinks you’re a fantastic person. They see you as someone who never gives up until they reach their goals. They believe you deserve every positive thing that has happened to you. They want to brag about you to everyone they know. This person is ready to grow and achieve milestones with you.

For existing relationships, the Six of Wands is a resounding yes. You and your new partner are about to achieve a milestone together. This could be a new car, a new house, or something you both have been saving up for so long. This could also mean good news is about to come. Everything you both wanted for the relationship is about to come true.

If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Six of Wands is a hopeful yes. Your ex-partner finds you more attractive now that you’re an established person. They’ve heard of your successes and are proud of what you’ve achieved in life. They are looking at you in a new light and would love to give the relationship another try. If you want a reconciliation to happen, tell them about your feelings.

Reversed Meaning:

If you are asking a yes or no question, and you draw the Six of Wands reversed, it indicates a profound no. This card indicates a crisis is about to or currently happening in your life. You are not confident about yourself. You tend to doubt your abilities. This may make you struggle to succeed in your endeavors. 

For love questions where you want a yes or no answer, the Six of Wands reversed indicates a firm no. You are struggling with personal issues and feeling unworthy of love. Because of this, you tend to focus on your own needs and forget to be mindful of others’ feelings. Take some time to work on yourself. Address all your personal issues before you embark on a relationship.

For career questions where you are looking for a yes or no, the Six of Wands reversed indicates a struggling no. You may be feeling undervalued at work. You think your abilities and skills are lacking. This can make it difficult for you to excel at the things you do. Make changes to your approach to be successful in your current career.

For new and potential relationships, the Six of Wands reversed is a definite no. Your insecurities and self-doubt are affecting your connection with this person. Most of your time is spent doubting yourself that you forget to pay attention to your new partner’s needs. Take this time to get to know yourself better before pursuing a long-term relationship.

For existing relationships, the Six of Wands reversed as is a resounding no. Your relationship is facing challenges that will require a lot of work to overcome. It may be in the form of a lack of communication or understanding. It could also be that you feel underappreciated by your partner. Talk to your partner about your issues and see if there is a way to solve things.

If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Six of Wands reversed is a complete no. The past relationship’s issues have yet to be resolved. Your low self-esteem has dramatically affected the relationship and resulted in a breakup. Your ex may think there is no more hope for the relationship since they already tried everything. If you don’t work on your issues, reconciliation will only result in further heartbreak in the future.