Upright Meaning:

In a career Tarot reading, the Ten of Swords is not a good omen, it can indicate that you have hit a dead end in your job or that your time in your current role may be ending and you may be severing ties. It can also signify that you will be the subject of people badmouthing you and backstabbing or bitching behind your back so keep your ears open and be on the lookout for colleagues trying to undermine you.

It can also indicate that you may have been overdoing it on the work front and pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion or collapse. You may be hitting a wall and you need to take care of yourself as you will be no good to anyone if you burn out. If you are in business this Minor Arcana card is not a welcome one as it can signify ruin, failure or the collapse of a business. In a financial Tarot spread, the Ten of Swords is not a good omen as it can indicate financial ruin and failure. Be extremely cautious in your financial dealings at this time and don’t take unnecessary risks as this is not a time to gamble.

Reversed Meaning:

In a career Tarot reading, the Ten of Swords reversed can indicate that you gotten over the worst of the stress in your job or have severed ties with a job that was pushing you to the brink of a collapse. Alternatively, it can indicate that a terrible work situation is pushing you over the edge. You need to ask yourself if it’s worth it, there are other jobs out there which could be a lot healthier for you.

If you are in business, this Minor Arcana card reversed can either represent a business coming back to life or a collapsing completely. In a financial Tarot spread, the Ten of Swords reversed can indicate either being saved from financial ruin and failure or total financial ruins such as bankruptcy, the supporting cards should indicate which applies.