Upright Meaning:
The upright Ten of Wands warns you to take action in a specific health reading, like now! Whether by choice, compulsion, or necessity, no one person can meet every need of others. Now is the time to assess and evaluate your lifestyle before carrying this burden causes you actual harm.
Overhaul your schedule, tell people what’s going on, and accept something may have to be sacrificed. You can do this in bite-size steps if you need to, but the days of self-neglect are very definitely over.
Reversed Meaning:
What this card screams out in a health-related tarot reading is ‘time out. Nothing else could match the sincerity of the reversed Ten of Wands. Make no mistake; you are on the cusp of a breakdown, which could be physical, emotional, or even both.
You should consider this card as a red alert for your body and mind and do something to avoid a crisis. The solution is pretty simple – stop thinking of others before yourself.
This might seem more straightforward in theory than practice, but you can do it in stages if you need to. Just do yourself a huge favor and get things rolling immediately.