Upright Meaning:
Turning the upright ten of wands in a love reading reveals a severe lack of balance in a significant relationship. While it’s natural to play to your strengths, overall, it’s not healthy to have, say, one person dominate at the expense of the other.
Perhaps you work long days to bring in some cash, but your partner slacks off? Or maybe one of you is less affectionate than the other these days? Whatever the concerns are, the Ten of Wands is a reminder to face up to them before things go too far to be repaired.
If you are currently single, this card suggests you use ghosts from the past as barriers to the future. Forgive yourself if necessary, or put any traumas to rest. Only then will you be healed enough to jump back into the dating scene.
Reversed Meaning:
If your relationship is in trouble, it’s not the end. When this card shows up in a tarot love reading, it represents a severe imbalance. One half of your romantic partnership is hiding something, and it’s dragging you both under.
Take this opportunity to trust each other again, to reconnect. Don’t panic, as the reversed Ten of Wands isn’t particularly concerned with infidelity or any kind of cheating. It’s more about holding tight to concerns to protect your loved one.
If you are the guilty party, stop hoarding the burdens of life, and let your loved ones in. However, even if this card refers to someone you’re close to, you still have to address things. Be gentle but clear, and let them know you are ready to share their load.