Upright Keywords:

Addiction, Depression, Mental health issues, Secrecy, Obsession, Cheating, Dependency, Bondage, Materialism, Sexuality, Powerlessness, Hopelessness, Abuse, Violence, Assault

Reversed Keywords:

Detachment, Independence, Overcoming addiction, Freedom, Revelation, Reclaiming power, Reasserting control

Upright Meaning

The Devil card is demanding us to take a look at ourselves. It will often represent our darker side and what is holding us back from our true potential. Do you suffer from addictions or destructive behavior? The Devil is telling you that you must take control of your life and confront the issues that are harming you.

There are problems that you might be ignoring. Perhaps you are under the illusion that everything is fine and you are where you need to be in your life. However, if you carry on this way things will soon get worse. Your habits, addictions, and destructive behavior are starting to take control and harm your wellbeing.

This behavior could be anything, and only you will truly know what your Devil represents. You may be a long-term smoker, a heavy drinker, or a social media addict. Whatever it is, it is dominating you right now and holding you back. These negative forces need to be faced.

The Devil also represents greed and materialism. It is asking you to check in on your attention and remember what life is really about. If you only care about money, you are not living a truly enriched life. Work on your spiritual side and change the situation that you are in!

However, don’t worry too much if you get the Devil card. The Tarot knows that you have the power to change things and free yourself from the chains that you are in.

Reversed Meaning

When the Devil card is reversed, its meaning is one of hope. Your chains are coming off right now and you are about to be set free. One move and you will break away from these constraints, leaving all your negative behavior and energy behind you.

You will often get the reversed Devil card when you are about to make a personal breakthrough, coming to an understanding of your life and where you want to be. You have come to face the Devil within you and the things that have been holding you back, and you know what you need to do next.

The reversed Devil card reflects a change of mindset. You are coming to a realization about your life and what matters. Your true path is calling and you are about to shake off the chains that were holding you back.