Upright Meaning:


  • Responsibility
  • Accountability
  • Stability
  • Leadership

The meaning of The Emperor tarot card in a career tarot reading may represent an individual who is able to take charge and lead. This person might be seen as someone with power or control over the other people around them at work, but they also have responsibility and leadership qualities that are needed when it comes to their job.

The Emperor tarot card in a career tarot reading can represent an individual who is able to take charge and lead.

This person might be seen as someone with power or control over the other people around them at work, but they also have responsibility and leadership qualities that are needed when it comes to their job.


  • Disciplined
  • Spending
  • Control
  • Financial Stability

The tarot card, meaning for the Emperor tarot card in a finance reading, may represent someone who is financially stable and has power over their own working life. This individual might be seen as an authority figure when it comes to money, or they could want more control of how their finances are handled.

Reversed Meaning:


  • Disciplined
  • Spending
  • Control
  • Financial Stability

The tarot card, meaning for the Emperor tarot card in a finance reading, may represent someone who is financially stable and has power over their own working life. This individual might be seen as an authority figure when it comes to money, or they could want more control of how their finances are handled.


  • Vulnerability
  • Insecurity
  • Lack of mindset
  • Feeling a loss of control over finances

An individual who is symbolizing the Emperor tarot card could feel as though they have lost control of their finances, and while this tarot reading might represent someone who doesn’t work because they’ve been paid enough or has ample support, it can also represent a situation where an individual feels like they are not in charge of what’s happening financially.

This person feels as though they have lost control over their finances. The reversed Emperor tarot card also signifies an individual’s feelings of vulnerability and insecurity when it comes to finances.