Upright Meaning:

The Emperor in a health context can mean that you may be being too hard on yourself. Reduce or eliminate activities that are too harsh on your body, avoid punishing exercise regimes and be kind to yourself. Work with your energy levels not against them. If you are having health issues, be logical in your approach to treating them.

The “suck it up and get on with it” approach will not serve you well this time. If you need to rest, rest! If you’re ill, seek medical treatment and listen to your doctor’s advice.

Reversed Meaning:

In a health context, The Emperor reversed indicates that you may be being too rigid with your routine and causing yourself undue stress. This may be manifesting in physical symptoms like headaches or poor sleeping patterns. Pushing your body too far can also cause injuries.

Don’t be afraid to loosen up the routine and give yourself time to relax. Alternately, if you have not been taking care of your health, The Emperor reversed can show you need to increase yourself discipline to bring yourself back to good health.