Upright Meaning:
Stability, Grounded, Guidance, Trustworthy, Masculine
What does The Emperor Tarot card upright in a love reading tarot spread mean? It may represent a person who provides stability and guidance that is needed to help their partner grow. They could be seen as an authority figure in the relationship or someone with power over the other—the Emperor tarot card meaning which can be linked to either gender perspective.
This person may provide stability, guidance that is needed to help their partner grow. They could be seen as an authority figure.
Reversed Meaning:
Emotionally unavailable, Imbalance, Overbearing partner, Suppressed feelings
The reversed Emperor tarot card has similar meanings when for many questions and different readings. An individual who feels as though they are not in charge of what is happening financially might also feel like their partner has too much control over the relationship. The tarot cards represent a person who might be stubborn, emotionally detached from their partner, and stuck in their ways.
If you are in an existing relationship, drawing a reversed The Emperor tarot card is an indication of overbearing qualities and someone who is too controlling. This could be either you or your partner- this depends on your question as well as the other cards in the reading.
While the reversed Emperor card is not necessarily an awful omen, it does indicate an imbalance in control, suppressed emotions, or relying too heavily on an authority figure.
If you’re inquiring about where or how you can work on yourself to be more emotionally available or trying to understand the root cause of issues in love and relationships, the reversed Emperor card could indicate that you or someone in the relationship may have father figure issues that are being projected into current relationships. Remember, healing our inner trauma and hurt helps us to have healthy and wholesome relationships.