Upright Meaning:

The Fool card is a really exciting card to appear in a career and money reading. It suggests that new opportunities are on the horizon and you should make the leap that you have always been wanting to make.

Have you always been too nervous to apply for that dream job? Or, have you always wanted to start your own business but always been too afraid? Do you want that promotion but never really got around to applying?

The Fool is telling you to go for it! Follow what your soul is wanting out of your career and remember, taking risks is on your side right now. You can get ahead quickly and easily right now when you put the effort in.

Reversed Meaning:

A reversed Fool card suggests that you are reckless with your finances and are not planning for the future. You tend to throw your money at things without fully thinking them through. The risks that you take with your money occasionally pay off, but you are losing more than you are gaining. The long-term consequences of your actions will be severe if you do not stop to consider what you are doing.

In regards to career, a reversed Fool card means that you are not taking risks that you should be taking. You are stuck in your job, disconnected from your work role. You do not have any passion for what you are doing, and you are feeling despondent and bored. It is now the time to put yourself first and take action.

You have dreams and passions, and you must begin to follow them! Soon, everything will fall into place as long as you begin your journey into the unknown. It may seem scary at first, but following your heart will gain long-term happiness and peace.