Upright Meaning:

The Fool will often appear in a health reading when you have been suffering from health issues. Stress and anxiety have been bringing you down and you are finding things pretty difficult right now. Maybe a chronic health problem has been causing you issues recently and it is starting to get to you.

The Fool suggests that you will find a new way of dealing with your health problems and perhaps you will soon find the comfort and help that you are needing. You will soon get a fresh perspective on your health issues, with support and guidance from those around you.

Reversed Meaning:

When the Fool is reversed in a Health reading, you must begin to take action towards being a better you. A reversed Fool will often appear when people have a lapsed view of health and wellbeing. There may be no major health problems, but there are still things that need to be addressed.

Perhaps you are a heavy smoker, or you never really work out. Maybe stress and anxiety impact your life and you find yourself easily upset. You may feel that these things aren’t that big of a deal and that, overall, your health is fine.

However, these health problems will soon become a big issue when not addressed. The Tarot is wanting you to act now to protect your health and wellbeing. This doesn’t have to be anything too major, you are not expected to start running marathons! But, small changes go a long way when it comes to health. By kicking bad habits, seeking advice when you need it, and making healthier choices, you will soon find yourself happier and more content within yourself.