Upright Meaning:

The Tarot is telling you that now is the time to have fun with your friends and family. The Fool brings with it playful energy and youthfulness. Perhaps being around the young people in your family will bring you a fresh perspective on things and allow you to let your hair down a bit.

Life is an adventure and having fun is necessary for us to survive. Perhaps you have been ignoring your playful side and focusing too much on the serious stuff. Connect with your loved ones and plan a day of fun and adventures!

Reversed Meaning:

When you get a reversed Fool for home and family, this suggests that you are in a position that you really don’t want to be in. Perhaps you are burdened with the problems of your loved ones, being their only support. Maybe your friends demand too much of you and do not allow you to truly flourish and be yourself.

A reversed Fool is asking you to act and take the steps towards a healthier and more relaxed home life. Speak up to your friends and family if they are dragging you down, and let you be you! Put yourself first and follow your heart. Now is the time to go after what you want and have always dreamed of.

It can be difficult to put yourself first, especially when people around you need you. But, you can be there for people but also be there for yourself! Be kind to yourself and be who you truly are in the world. In the long run, everyone will be so much more happier for it!