Upright Meaning:
When it comes to career and money, the Hermit card is asking you to stand back from this aspect of your life to focus on other things.
The Hermit card will often turn up in readings when you are a hardworking and career-driven individual who is in need of a break. Your career is important to you and you are very successful, but you must know that work and money are not the only things in life.
You may be drawn to exploring your spiritual side and finding new ways of working. Now is the time to find the balance between your work life and your emotional life. It is time to go on a new journey of self-discovery.
Reversed Meaning:
You have begun to be complacent about your career. Perhaps you are not really enjoying your job and have resigned yourself to enduring it, rather than taking action to further your own dreams.
You have thought a lot about what you want in your life and where you want to be. Perhaps you have big dreams and goals that have recently taken a back seat. You know the real reason for this, and might be a bit hesitant to change.
A reversed Hermit for career and money is telling you to get back out there and take action in your job! There may be opportunities for success coming up, and it is time to act. Don’t just sit back and let things come to you, but be the maker of your future.
You have the power and wisdom to do so, so get out in the world and make the change you want!