Upright Keywords:
Spiritual enlightenment, Soul searching, Self-reflection, Introspection, Contemplation, Inner guidance, Solitude
Reversed Keywords:
Loneliness, Paranoia, Isolation, Bring reclusive, Withdrawal, Anti-social, Restrictive, Paralysed by fear
Upright Meaning
The Hermit card is a very interesting card. There is a lot going on within yourself and your relationship with the world right now, and there is a lot of exploring to do.
When the Hermit card is pulled, it suggests that now is the time for you to distance yourself from the material world and turn inward. The card suggests that solitude is what you need right now, giving you time to process your thoughts and emotions.
This is a time for you right now, and a time for you to grow spiritually. Through introspection and meditation, you will find inner wisdom and guidance. A lot of people will find that the Hermit card turns up when they are struggling with their place in society. You may be at a moment in your life where something is calling you, for example, a change of career or a new relationship. The Hermit card is asking you to reflect on your choices and to work out what exactly it is that you need.
The Hermit card reflects a journey. It is normally a spiritual and emotional journey of growth and wisdom. However, this card can sometimes point to a physical journey. Perhaps traveling somewhere will help you understand yourself more and what your soul is searching for.
Reversed Meaning
When reversed, the solitude that the Hermit represents is causing pain rather than growth. Are you feeling lonely right now? Perhaps you feel that those around you aren’t giving you the support you need.
The reversed Hermit card often will pop up when you are a wise and spiritually wealthy person. You do enjoy being alone and reflecting on things, but too much of this can really start to affect your well-being. Your loved ones might feel as if you are pushing them away and you might feel as if you have nobody to talk to.
If you get a reversed Hermit card, you must know that this loneliness can soon be broken. It will be easier than you think; you just need to reach out! You are loved and respected by many and have probably been there for others when they have needed you. Now is the time for them to be here for you.