Upright Meaning:

The Hierophant is all about working with others and learning from those above you, so keep this in mind at your place of work. Promotions may be available to you if you are cooperative with your coworkers. Working together as a team can be really helpful to everyone right now. It is not a time to try out new and unconventional ideas at your place of work. Following the status quo will allow you to get ahead in your career, and you must do what is expected of you.

It is a time of listening to your mentors and experts in your field. The Hierophant is a card that signifies teaching and learning, so what is it that you need to learn to succeed? Reach out to those that you can learn from and allow them to guide you towards your future.

In some cases, The Hierophant suggests that you are in a position in your career to teach others. Perhaps you have found your success and now have the knowledge to help others. Is there anyone in your workplace that you can guide? Perhaps someone is showing promise but needs you to help them out moving forward.

Reversed Meaning:

When reversed in a career and money reading, The Hierophant suggests that you are finding your workplace pretty stifling right now. You probably love what you do for work, but the situation you are in is making you hate it! Perhaps bosses are being unhelpful and demanding conformity when this is really not like you at all. The rules at your workplace seem ridiculous and your creativity and freedom are at risk.

The Tarot is telling you that you must be your own person right now and speak up for yourself! You are great at your job, and this situation is damaging your passion for your work. Tell those around you how you feel and try and be proactive in changing the environment. This won’t just help you, but also help your workplace and colleagues.

The Hierophant is asking you to follow your goals and dreams, no matter how untraditional they might be! You may feel under pressure of getting and maintaining a stable, traditional job, but if this is not your passion you will not be happy. Dream big and follow your heart.