Upright Meaning:

When The Hierophant pops up in a home and family reading, it definitely suggests that now is the time to listen to your elders and the wisdom that they are wishing to spread. Have you been feeling distant from older people in your family recently? Perhaps you might not think that they have much to teach you. But, they do! Connect with the older people around you and allow them to guide you spiritually and emotionally.

The Hierophant also suggests that you might gain from connecting with family traditions that have been forgotten. Now is the time to come together as a family structure and learn from each other. You may want to remember your ancestors and relatives who are no longer around.

Reversed Meaning:

The reversed Hierophant card is all about rebelling against convention and following your own lead. Are there pressures from your family affecting your happiness? Perhaps you feel under strain to conform to your parents’ expectations but are wanting something completely different from what they are expecting from you.

You love your family, so it is really hard to rebel against them and their expectations. But, you may be surprised at how okay they are about it! Ultimately, your family just wants you to be happy. Be honest and respectful with them, and you will get honesty and respect in return. Opening up to them will allow you to grow closer to them, and allow you to be yourself more.