Upright Keywords:
Education, Spiritual Wisdom, Ethics, Tradition, Conformity, Conventions, Knowledge, Marriage, Institutions
Reversed Keywords:
Poor Leadership, Rebellion, Challenging the Status Quo, Unconventuality, Making Your Own Path, Reversed Roles, Non-Conformity
Upright Meaning
When The Hierophant appears in an upright position, it is asking you to develop spiritually and emotionally. It suggests that now is the time for learning from a knowledgeable figure that will provide you with spiritual direction. Perhaps it is time to look at traditional spiritual teachings before going your own way and discovering what you can learn from them. Working with a mentor will help you on your journey towards your goals, so open up to those around you and what you can learn. The Hierophant does not always have to mean a religious or spiritual teacher. The card can also refer to a person who you admire and can learn from!
It is a time for following conventions and learning from tradition. The Hierophant represents old-school values and customs and suggests that we can still learn from these. It may be a time to bring back old traditions and connect with this side of you. Are there any traditions and customs that you have been neglecting?
It is also a card of institutions and what coming together within an institution can help with. It is time to surround yourself with those who hold similar values and with whom you feel a connection. This will allow you to grow and learn, paving the way for success and enlightenment.
Reversed Meaning
When reversed, The Hierophant is telling you that you must not listen to the teachings of bad leaders. There is a lot of unhelpful advice coming from someone you see as knowledgeable, but the Tarot tells you that you must reject what they are saying and pave your own way!
I really like the energy of the reversed Hierophant card. It is one of non-conformity and rejecting traditional ideals, which I think can sometimes be necessary to move forward as a society and as an individual. It is time to be your own teacher and learn from your own intuition. It is time to follow your heart in your journey towards spiritual enlightenment and not the teachings of others.
The reversed Hierophant is asking you to take back control of your own destiny and rebel against the expectations of others. It is time to challenge and question traditional values and discovering new ways of living. You may be feeling oppressed and restrained right now, but the Tarot is telling you that you have the power to change this! Listen to your intuition and learn from your heart in regards to what you need to do to find your own personal power. It is a time to go against the grain and stand out from the crowd! You never know, everyone else might be thinking the same thing as you.