Upright Meaning:
When appearing upright in a career and money reading, The High Priestess reflects a time of seeking knowledge and inspiration. New ideas and work goals will soon appear and this might cause a change of career.
The High Priestess is wanting you to take a look at your true inner dreams and desires. What is it that you are actually wanting from your work life? Are you getting it right now? Or, do you need to change things up and follow a new path?
If you have to make big choices in regards to your career, you must listen to your gut intuition and not what the people around you are saying. Friends and family are trying to help you, telling you what you should do, but this advice should be put to one side right now.
ake time to meditate on your career and work out what you really want, listening to what your intuition is telling you.
In regards to money, The High Priestess is telling you that different forms of abundance are important right now. It is time to concentrate on knowledge and spiritual development rather than material goods.
Reversed Meaning:
The High Priestess Reversed
The High Priestess reversed suggests that you are feeling disconnected from your workplace and can’t work out why. Perhaps your coworkers are not actually who you think they are and wouldn’t think twice about throwing you under the bus. You are becoming withdrawn from your work life and this is not helping your career at all.
It is time to turn inward and listen to what your instinct is telling you about your career. Are you in the career that you really wish to be in? What are your ultimate hopes and dreams in regard to work?
Remember, it is never good to stick to a job just because you think you should. A job might seem safe and secure, but if you do not enjoy it you will ultimately just feel disconnected and unsatisfied. There is a side of you that is seeking new knowledge and growth, but you are ignoring this call. Why is this? It is time to address your self-doubt and discover what you need to follow your dreams.