Upright Meaning:
The High Priestess in a home and family reading signifies a time apart from loved ones. This might be a physical time apart, perhaps a trip away from your home in order to follow your dreams and goals. Or, it might just mean that you spend more time alone, concentrating on your spiritual pursuits and inner wisdom.
This distance will feel completely natural and when you and your friends and family reconnect, you will all feel much more better for it. It is important to have separate lives and to have your own goals and dreams aside from your family and friends. This separation will allow your love for those around you to grow, and you will become so grateful for them!
Reversed Meaning:
When The High Priestess is reversed in a home and family position, it suggests that it might be time to spend time apart from your loved ones to work on your own spiritual growth. You seem to rely too heavily on the approval and respect of the people that you love, but this is not helping you thrive as a person. Of course, what those around you think is important, but what you think is too.
Take some time to listen to your intuition and discover who you truly are. It is time to understand your goals, dreams, and passions as an independent soul. It is time to get spiritually connected with the universe around you!