Upright Meaning:

In contrast to the clear meaning in a love reading, The Lovers card might pull you in a few different directions in a career reading. This card is the herald for choices and staying true to those raw gut feelings. You know the one, where you do something and it gives you that feeling of, “Ah yes, this is right.” You feel it in your gut. We’ve all felt it. But what does this card mean in a career reading? 

Choice, passion about work, conscious decisions, soul purpose.

As you might already suspect, The Lovers in a career context is letting you know that you have a choice to make. And not just any choice, but one that will hold quite a bit of importance. When considering the options, make sure that your heart is one hundred percent in it. 

If you love what you do for a living, the arrival of The Lovers card in a tarot reading suggests that you are on the right path. All you need to do is dive in with all your love and passion. If your heart’s in it, do it wholeheartedly. Sure, you might fail from time to time. But those failures are not really failures, they are learning curves. 

On the other hand, The Lovers can remind you not to live in a dream world. When you have a decision to make, it won’t help if you’re swimming in ‘what ifs’. Always consider decisions with a clear and conscious awareness of the factors, as well as your dreams. 

Reversed Meaning:

Boredom, important decisions, unfulfilling work, double standards, avoiding responsibility, staying true to yourself 

Consider how to make a living while staying true to yourself. This does not necessarily mean you should quit your job and take up your hobbies as a career path (not that it discounts it). How about finding joy in your work again? We are always capable of making a choice in life. The choice lies with us to find magic even in the most mundane tasks. The reversed Lovers card could also indicate you have been sidetracked at work lately, and are not doing your best or using your full capabilities

Alternatively, it indicates that you have been giving too much of yourself without making time for self-care and rest. In your downtime after work, do things that take care of you. Whether this looks like a luxurious bath or a long walk out in nature, remember to fill your cup with things that feed your soul. This will help to spark passion again in all areas of life. 

And yes, once again, The Lovers card reversed in a career reading is indicative of a choice you are facing. Down one path, there is a fulfilling career that feeds your soul. However, it seems like a risky decision. Down the other path, is an unfulfilling career decision. It is the easier choice, perhaps even one you don’t have to take too much responsibility for. But at the end of the day, the easier choice may not reap the most soul-enriching benefits. Make your decision wisely, weighing up both practical reasons as well as your heart’s whispers.