Upright Keywords:

Choices, Clear communication, Compassion, Relationships, Love, Alignment of values, Harmony

Reversed Keywords:

Lack of balance, Selfishness, Power struggle, Indecision, Misaligned values, Irresponsible decisions, Self-love, Broken communication, Trust issues, Shame, Hidden Information, Double standards

Reversed or upright, The Lovers card has a favorable meaning.

While the immediate meaning alludes to relationships and union, there is an undercurrent that is too important to bypass; our choices. The card suggests that a choice is on the horizon, a choice that could have major implications. This choice is often regarding a partnership, but it could also be a platonic friendship and not just a romantic relationship. Generally speaking, the Lover’s card is letting you know that a relationship, whether platonic or romantic, will spark either a decision or challenge soon.

Upright Meaning

The Lovers card is an important card for our relationships with ourselves as well as the people we care about.

When you receive the Lovers in a reading, it could also indicate transparency, clarity of mind, or possessing all the facts before making a decision. Whatever the case, the card indicates that the decision should not be made with flippancy- as it could have life-altering consequences.

If we consider the serpent, it indicates that one decision could lead you astray- alternatively, it could also indicate that you may at first feel fooled but it will ultimately be for the best.

Whatever the case, trust in your gut instinct when making a decision.

The Lovers card often causes a trigger reaction in your mind that makes you think of a particular person. This card indicates a conscious connection with someone, or perhaps more than one person. Either way, the connection is meaningful. Receiving this card indicates that this connection feels like it feeds your soul. Whether it is a lover or a friend, the connection transcends the physical to the spiritual.

Another major point is that the Lovers card signals open and honest communication. This is highlighted by the nudity of the two on the card. Because they are naked, it illustrates the two are in a vulnerable state. The card is telling you to stay true to your nature, and listen to the directions of your gut instinct.

Use this card as a reminder to communicate with open honesty and this will create a fulfilling relationship.

At the crux of The Lovers card lies choice. Who do you want to be? What values do you want to stand by? The card signifies that when the time for a tough decision comes (and it will), you need to stay true to your moral compass.

Reversed Meaning

When The Lovers card is reversed, the theme is still very much about harmony, love, and honest communication. However, it indicates that something might be amiss- you might be out of touch with these things. Perhaps communication in your relationships is strained, or perhaps you feel your relationship is somewhat misaligned. Whatever your situation with the people in your life, a reverse Lovers card is here to remind you to approach everything with compassion.

A reversed Lovers card also brings up the subject of self-respect. Are you honoring your heart’s desire? Are you staying true to your inner guide? There is a lighthouse within each of us, and it guides us by tugs in the right direction. The reversed Lovers card is here to remind you to take a moment and consider what areas of your life are you forgetting to honor yourself.

And again, we see that the reversed Lovers card indicates that you may face a difficult decision. The card reminds you to make your decision based on honor and honesty. If you’ve been feeling like taking the easy way out, this card is here to remind you to stay true to your values. The Lovers card is letting you know that even if the choice that helps you stay in alignment with your values takes you down a difficult road, it will guide you towards fulfillment.

Choices often come with turmoil and an inner war begins to wage within us. If you have been punishing yourself for something or feel like you deserve punishment, then the reversed Lovers card acknowledges this. But, it also reminds you to stay true to your inner compass moving forward. Learn from past mistakes and move forward while staying true to your true north. This will help guide you towards better decision-making.

The reversed Lovers card can also serve as a reminder that communication might not be as clear as it should be. How are you articulating your thoughts and feelings? Although The Lovers card is always a reminder of love and harmony, its reversal could allude to some area in your life that may be stressful. If this is the case, consider your communication, acceptance of responsibility, and remember to use past judgment errors to better your decision-making process in the future.