Upright Meaning:
We all want to know about love. When is it coming? Is it even coming? Is this person ‘the one?’, etc. Pulling The Lovers card in a love reading is revealing, to say the least. Let’s see what this card can tell us about the love in our life.
Clear Communication, choices, harmony, respect, divine, soulmate
If you are already in a romantic relationship or even are on the brink of something that could prove to become a relationship, then the Lovers’ arrival is a positive sign. The Lovers card indicates that the person you have in mind will be a great fit for you at this time.
The card also indicates that the relationship could begin to blossom with success- love, harmony, and fulfillment. The card highlights that you are either already in a balanced and loving relationship, or that the potential relationship could develop into that type of fufilling partnership.
The Lovers card is about connections in general, but more specifically, it also indicates clear communication, honesty, and choices.
When you pull an upright Lovers Card in a love reading, it indicates you have made or are making a good choice with this person.
And on the subject of choice, I have to point out that the Lovers Card could also indicate that you have a choice to make between potential partners (or to just stay on your own). The surrounding cards in the reading should give you more of an indication of the different suitors. You could do a three-card spread or a specific soulmate spread when you are faced with a decision regarding love.
In a nutshell, The Lovers card indicates that honest communication, excitement, passion, intimacy, and full acceptance for each other are foundational aspects of a successful and fulfilling relationship.
Reversed Meaning:
In a love reading, a reversed Lovers card could indicate that one or even both are considering their options or having a change of heart. Problems such as communication issues and disagreements are likely.
Ending, mistrust, misaligned values, inability to communicate, concealment
The reversed Lovers card could also represent an ending of a relationship. This could be because of distrust or misalignment of values. There is a decision at hand, one that dramatically alters the relationship’s path.
If you are doing a reading on a particular love interest and you draw the reversed Lovers card, it could mean that the relationship you have in mind may not work out.