Upright Meaning:
The Magician is a wonderful card to receive when looking for career and finance guidance. This card suggests that there are new and exciting opportunities on the horizon, and you have the powers and abilities to go after them and succeed.
Where are you at in regards to your career? Are there things that you still want to achieve?
The Magician is telling you to go after your dreams. It is time to put your passions first and work out a clear plan for your destiny. If there are opportunities for promotions or business ventures, go after them with all your energy! You have the tools to succeed, so put yourself out there and manifest your future.
In regards to finances, there may be new opportunities for making money on the horizon. Your financial situation is set to improve, but you must put the energy in order to get back what you need.
Reversed Meaning:
When a reversed Magician card appears in a career reading, it suggests that you are not putting your abilities to good use. You have so much potential, but you seem to be wasting it all. It is time to work out why this is the case! What is holding you back from achieving your career goals?
Are you too nervous to go for your dreams? When we have big dreams, we can sometimes be super anxious to actually try in case we fail. Self-doubt can be so hard to deal with, but the universe is sending you a sign through the Tarot. You have the poweer to achieve your goals, with so much potential within you. Your destiny is calling, and it is time to follow your dreams.