Upright Meaning:

When it comes to love, the Magician is a super exciting card to get! For both those in relationships and those looking for love, the Magician brings forth the energy of transformation, manifestation, and success.

If you are in a relationship, the Magician suggests that a new phase of your love life is upon you. You and your partner will soon find a deeper connection, unlocking love that you have never even felt before. Long-term commitments may be on the horizon, and you and your partner will grow together and carry on the magic that brought you together in the first place.

If you are single and looking for love, the Magician is asking you to open up and manifest your wish. It is time to take action and put yourself out there. Love is found in the most unusual places! You have the power and energy to find the love you deserve, so get ready for romance.

Reversed Meaning:

In a love reading, a reversed Magician suggests that there are deceptions and illusions in your romantic life. If you are in a relationship, this might be hard to hear. But, the reversed Magician doesn’t always mean that you or your partner are intentionally deceiving one another. In fact, a lot of the time this card suggests that you need to open up more with your partner and develop your relationship more. It is time to be completely honest with one another. With this honesty, you and your partner will develop the trust and respect that you need.

If you are single, a reversed Magician in a love reading will most likely be the universe telling you to be careful with the people that you are dating. If you are pursuing a new relationship, you must be aware that you actually do not really know this person. Keep your emotions in check and do not get carried away. This person might seem magical right now, but their true colors will soon appear.