Symbolism & Imagery:

In traditional Tarot decks, the Magician stands upright, with one hand pointing upwards and the other pointing to the earth. He is connected to the earth and the spiritual realm, being a master of both. He has a white glow around him, reflecting his pure powers, and a glowing infinity sign over his head. Flowers grow around him, suggesting creation and growth. His magic has made the flowers grow, and he is in control of creation.

The Magician’s Tarot card number is 1. It is the first number and stands for oneness and new beginnings. It connects with God, creation, and earthly powers.

In front of the Magician stands a table, with the four symbols of the Tarot laid upon it. There is a pentacle, a cup, a wand, and a sword. This reflects the Magician’s complete power, his connection with all the elements. He has everything he needs for his magic to be successful.