Upright Meaning:

The Star is a fantastic card to appear in a career and money reading. It brings luck and achievements, awards, and even fame. You are a hard worker and have diligently followed your goals for a while now. Sometimes you feel as if all the work you have put into your career will never pay off. But, the Star is changing this!

Opportunities and success is coming your way and you will soon reap the rewards that you have been working so hard towards. Keep your head up high and your mind focused on what you are wanting to achieve.

When the good things come your way, you must remember to celebrate your achievements! Take time to reward yourself and take a little break from work. Don’t be shy when it comes to celebrating your success. Other people might want to give you a pat on the back, too, and you should let them. You are the Star right now, remember!

Reversed Meaning:

When reversed, the Star suggests that you have lost motivation in your work life. You used to care about what you did, but the passion has gone. You are bored and this is really draining your energy.

You really need to work out why you have lost your passion. Is it the people you work with? Or perhaps you feel too restricted in your current role?

You may feel like you want to quit, but this might be a bit dramatic right now! You still love what you do, so assess the situation and try to work out what the issue is. The solution is probably easier than you think, and you will soon get the fire back!

If you are a creative person, the reversed Star will often appear when a work environment is stifling a person’s creativity. Expressing yourself is so important, and if you are in a job where you feel you can’t, this can really affect your wellbeing. Work out what you need to do in order to be your true creative self.