Upright Meaning:
The Star is a card that is all about healing and moving on from past trauma and difficulties. So, when the Star turns up in a health reading, this is a really great sign! If you have suffered from ill health, the Star is a sign that things are changing for the better. You are able to recover and heal emotionally and physically.
The Star is also a deeply spiritual card and therefore signifies the importance of spirituality in wellness. You will soon become more at one with your body and mind, understanding yourself and your place in the universe. Now is the time to connect with yourself spiritually, through meditation and psychic practices.
Reversed Meaning:
When the Star is reversed in a health reading, is it asking you to reflect on your attitudes towards your own health. You can be pessimistic and make a big deal about nothing when it comes to health. You tend to complain rather than seek help and work on fixing the issue.
Go to a doctor if you need to, and work on looking after your body and mind. You are going through a bit of a difficult time and are pretty upset about things. But, small changes go a big way. Think about what you need to nourish your body and mind, and do it!