Upright Keywords:
Success, Enjoyment, Good Health, Freedom, Fun, Happiness, Warmth
Reversed Keywords:
Negativity, Feeling Down, Pessimism, Lack of Enthusiasm
Upright Meaning
The Sun represents happiness and success. When appearing upright in a reading, know that your near future is going to be extremely enjoyable, with celebration and fulfillment coming your way. If you have had a difficult time recently, the Sun is telling you that things are changing.
The Sun wants us to remember to look on the bright side of things. Life is complicated, with so many ups and downs. But, it is time to manifest positive energy and to embrace the light of the sun. The sun is sending you strength and power, and it is time to celebrate who you are as a person!
The Sun card also gives you a boost of energy. You will feel younger, happier, and able to take on the world! Shake off that negativity and enjoy the sunshine. It will allow you to feel all your happiness.
The Sun also wants us to remember how we felt as a child. Can we learn from that now? A carefree attitude is needed right now, so listen to your inner child. Find wonder in the world around you and allow yourself to let go of any insecurities that are holding you back.
Reversed Meaning
When the Sun appears reversed in a reading, it is often a reflection of your pessimism and sadness. Setbacks and disappointments might have filled your life right now, but instead of picking yourself up and trying again, you have resigned yourself to bitterness. You are feeling down and don’t seem to have much enthusiasm about anything right now.
The Tarot wants you to know that these problems that you have faced are only temporary, and things will get better. It is important to let go of pessimism and resentment and embrace a positive outlook on life. You must remember to look at the bright side of things, finding goodness where you can. Of course, I know that can be hard, but in order to survive, we must.
Take a good look at your attitude towards life and try to recognize negative thoughts. If you need to, I would strongly recommend seeing a professional talk about your negative thoughts if you can! Talking things through can really help you understand the processes that happen in your brain.
The Sun wants you to embrace your inner child, and not repress them! Let them come out and play, recall your hobbies and interests you had as a child. Remember fond childhood memories and try to reconnect with this carefree state of mind.