Upright Meaning:
When the Three of Cups makes an upright appearance in a love reading it indicates that you will enter a relationship of a polyamorous genre. It implies that your love bond will be free, “liberal”, and exciting. The pair of you will have some great times ahead, and you will spend most of your time in a good mood and in good sentiment. It often foretells of a happy triad in love relationships.
This card can also indicate that you will attend a cheery gathering where you will meet someone, or stumble upon someone you already know, but haven’t seen in a romantic light before, and you will hit it off. This card indicates an emotional connection with someone who will expand your horizons, test your “waters” and push you to evolve on a soul level.
If you did some magic love work, and you are wondering about the outcome of the spell, this card foretells about an income that is better than you even hoped for. If you were wondering whether you’re on the right “love” track, this card is telling you that you are supported and blessed by higher powers and that you have nothing to doubt or fear, just enjoy the good opportunities and fortune that has befallen you.
Reversed Meaning:
In a love Tarot spread, if you are single, the Three of Cups reversed can indicate a short term relationship that won’t last is coming your way. The relationship may be a joy to begin with but it will quickly fizzle out. It can also indicate a reunion with someone who you will soon realise was out of your life for a good reason! If you are in a relationship, the Three of Cups reversed is not a great omen generally as it can indicate cancelled celebrations such as weddings or engagements. It can also signify someone trying to cause trouble in your relationship. This could be a third party trying to sabotage your relationship with gossip or rumours. However, it could also represent someone trying to seduce your partner behind your back while being nice to your face. Watch your back with this one! The Three of Cups reversed can be an indicator of a miscarriage or termination. Look to the supporting cards to confirm this. If you are not pregnant and not ready for a child, be warned and take proper precautions.