Upright Meaning:

In a career Tarot spread, the Three of Pentacles indicates is a great work ethic, commitment and determination. You will be putting a lot of effort into your career or business and building on previous successes when this card appears in your Tarot reading.

You may be learning in your job or studying to improve your qualifications. Your hard work, dedication and attention to detail will not be going unnoticed either as the Three of Pentacles represents achievement, recognition and rewards. The Three of Pentacles can also indicate that you may need to collaborate with others to complete a project. If so, the collaboration should go well as you all combine your various skills and come together as a team to achieve a successful outcome. If you have recently started a business, the Three of Pentacles can represent growth and coming through the initial challenges successfully.

For a tradesperson, the Three of Pentacles is a sign of good workmanship. In a financial context, the Three of Pentacles is a good omen as it indicates that you will soon be rewarded for your efforts. Any financial struggles should soon be a distant memory as your hard work and determination pay off.

Reversed Meaning:

In a career Tarot spread, the Three of Pentacles reversed is not a great omen as it can indicate that you have lost your motivation, dedication or commitment and the quality of your work is suffering greatly as a result. When this card appears, it does not mean you lack ability. It usually means that you are not putting enough effort in or not applying yourself. You may be unwilling to learn or reacting defensively to constructive criticism or you may not have gained the qualifications needed to further your career. The Three of Pentacles reversed can also represent poor quality workmanship.

If you are involved in a team project, it can be a sign that the collaboration will not go well. If you have recently started a business, the Three of Pentacles reversed can represent a lack of growth and lack of motivation to put the work into making it a success. In a financial context, the Three of Pentacles reversed indicates that you need to put effort in if you want financial security. Don’t expect a cash windfall or for finances to just magically work out if you do not have a good work ethic.