Upright Meaning:

In a career reading, the three of wands card tells you that fresh opportunities and adventures are on the horizon if that is of any interest. You may get the chance to work abroad, get a promotion, or even consider retraining for a new job in another field altogether. If you’ve ever thought about starting your own business, this could be the perfect time to do that, too.

When your tarot focus is more on finances, the three of wands still has plenty to say. It asks you to acknowledge your achievements and celebrate your successes. Perhaps you tend to play down your skills or concentrate on earning but never spend much on yourself. By appreciating what you are capable of, the universe will make sure you are never without. So start spending, okay?

Reversed Meaning:

If your career is halted, work bores you to death, or your income doesn’t set your bank account on fire, you are officially stuck in a rut. You don’t need the reversed Three of Wands tarot card to tell you that!

Where it is helpful, though, is in providing insights. With this card, new directions that will bring positive change are the name of the game. Stop swimming in the stagnant pond water of low-level misery, and leap into freshwater where everything seems possible.

Money-wise, the suggestion here is to evaluate your finances. Do you know your accurate earnings and outgoings per month? Even if you are not at panic stations, it’s wise to be careful. Check for unwanted direct debits or auto-renewing payments for long-forgotten subscriptions. Taking responsibility for your finances is always a positive move.