Upright Meaning:
If you pull this card upright in a career and money reading, that means you are working at quite the juggling act in order to stay afloat. You probably work more than one job, you are probably a coupon queen, a discount hunter, whatever you’re doing — you’re killing it! It’s a stressful act though, so it might be time to ask for help. Is there someone you can reach out to so that you can take a break? I’d say it’s time to take that leap and apply for a promotion, ask for a raise, or look for a better paying job.
This card upright could also indicate that you are considering leaving one job for another that seems a little less stable or even starting your own company. Of course there is a chance of failure, but if you are not happy where you are, the risk is worth it.
Reversed Meaning:
If the Two of Pentacles is reversed in a career and money reading, you’re not doing so well. The juggling act is being attempted, but the pieces aren’t falling together. You’re dropping things, which means that you’re behind on bills and payments. It’s okay to ask for help.
Are there any cards around this that indicate someone could be helpful for you? A king is always helpful, especially the King of Pentacles. If you see him upright in this reading, that means you have someone you can ask.