Upright Meaning:
Upright in a health reading, the Two of Pentacles tells you that one of the balls you are not juggling well is your own health. I advise you to join a gym or start taking yoga classes. Introduce something into your daily routine that is strictly for your own physical well-being.
If you don’t, you will start to see a physical breakdown. But exercise is good for your mind too, so start taking care of yourself! You will see the positive effects immediately.
Reversed Meaning:
If this card is reversed in a health reading is telling you to slow down. Once again you are reminded that while the young man is keeping the pentacles in the air, it is an exhausting action. Stop and take a break, you need it. This lifestyle is definitely catching up to you.
While the Two of Pentacles upright is warning you in this reading, if it’s reversed then your health is already suffering. Still, introducing a healthy routine is never too late. You need it and you deserve it.