Upright Keywords:
Juggling, Balance, Gaiety, Trouble, Agitation, Obstacles, Disruption
Reversed Keywords:
Forced fun, Imbalance, Disorganization, Lacking focus, Financial troubles, Mismanagement, Debt
Twos in the Tarot in general represent two different forces. Usually, these forces are working against each other, as forces tend to do. Save for the Two of Cups, if you pull a Two in the Tarot, you’re dealing with two forces pushing and pulling at each other.
Pulling a Two in any suit generally signifies a necessary choice. What the choice in depends on the subject of the reading and the cards surrounding the Two.
Upright Meaning
This boy is having a good time, but for how long? While he figures out how to balance these two forces he is constantly in motion, never achieving a true balance. In order to succeed, he must put one pentacle down and focus on the other. Sustaining this act forever will cause his life to pass him by as the boats behind him do.
If you pull this card upright in a reading it means you have a lot of balls in the air right now. You are quite literally juggling your life. This is a danger zone, you’re only human and you’re bound to drop something. You are probably extremely organized and equally as burnt out. Take a break, put a ball down. If you don’t give yourself the time needed to recharge, you won’t ever stop juggling and enjoy life.
There may be an event coming up to make you realize you cannot sustain this. You work hard and that’s great, but you need to make sure you’re able to focus on the important things in life. Remember that Pentacles are material and monetary things so this focus is on finances.
Reversed Meaning
This means that you have too many balls in the air and you aren’t succeeding in any activity. You must stop, prioritize, and pour your energy into one primary activity. If you don’t, you will not only be juggling alone while life passes you by, you will be barely scraping by as you do so.
The Two of Pentacles reversed also indicates that your lack of organization is leading to financial struggles. Remember that Pentacles are earthly matters and often to do with money.
The Two of Pentacles reversed means you need to refocus your energy on one task. This may mean cutting back on coursework, a part-time job, or maybe even a book club that stresses you out more than it relaxes you. It’s okay to say no, you need to take care of yourself.