Upright Keywords:
Stalemate, Difficult Choices, A Moment to Think, Painful Decisions, Divided Loyalty, Being Caught in the Middle, Avoidance
Reversed Keywords:
Deception, Manipulation, Being Blinded, Seeing The Truth, Discovery, Confusion, Information
To understand the Two of Swords, it is really helpful to take a moment to contemplate the number 2. According to numerology, all numbers carry their own energy. Numbers can be linked to ideas, and therefore learning the ideas behind certain numbers will allow us to understand the Tarot much better.
The number 2 is all about balance, duality, and patience. It often reflects a struggle between two sides and the need for harmony between them. It represents the darkness and the light and the need for both in the world. It asks us to find solace in indifference and to understand things from all different sides.
Upright Meaning
When the Two of Swords appears upright in a Tarot reading, it suggests that there is a decision to be made. It is a very difficult decision, and you are feeling pulled between two opposing sides. Because of this, you are pausing and putting everything on hold. You don’t know what to do, and therefore you are doing nothing.
You must progress soon, but it is okay to pause for a moment to weigh up the decision! The choice you are making is probably pretty important, with far-reaching consequences. So, do not rush into anything. To get over this internal conflict, you must know all the relevant facts. Recall the imagery of the Two of Swords. The woman is blindfolded, suggesting she is not fully aware of her situation. Is there any information you are missing out on right now?
But, if you have been static for a while now, the universe reminds you that you must act to move on in life. Sometimes, the Two of Swords will pop up when you are putting off making a decision. You may be in denial about something, and this is stopping you from progressing on your path.
Reversed Meaning
When reversed, the Two of Swords reflects deception and trickery. Some lies will soon be exposed, and people are dishonest towards you. You may have a decision to make, but you are finding it super hard as you do not have all the information that you need to make this choice. Or, perhaps none of the choices in front of you are particularly attractive.
The reversed Two of Swords suggests that you are blindfolded to the truth, but this will soon change. The universe will soon remove your blindfold, and you will be aware of the intentions of those around you.