Upright Meaning:
In a career Tarot spread, the Two of Wands indicates that you will have two paths available to you. You may have a choice between staying in your current job/career and taking a new job or career path.
Or you may have your pick between two positions in your current company. If you are in business, you may be choosing whether or not to expand or to link up and partner with another company. In a financial Tarot reading, the Two of Wands represents financial stability. You should be finding your financial balance when it appears.
Reversed Meaning:
In a career Tarot spread, the Two of Wands reversed indicates that you may be limiting or restricting your choices or options in a work context. This Minor Arcana card signifies that you may have taken the safe option in your career and are now wishing you had been more daring. If you are in business, a decision you made may not have worked out well.
A partnership or expansion may not have worked in your favour. In a financial Tarot reading, the Two of Wands reversed represents financial instability. You may be struggling to find your financial balance when it appears.