Upright Meaning:
In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Two of Wands is not a great omen as it can indicate that there is a lack of contentment in the relationship. You or your partner may be feeling restless, withdrawn or detached when it appears in your relationship Tarot spread. This Minor Arcana card can also be an indication of cheating as it can represent having a choice between a partner and a lover. However, this card is also a travel card so it may indicate that you and your partner may consider going traveling or emigrating when it appears in your Tarot reading. If you are single, the Two of Wands also indicates that you will have a choice between two lovers. This card also represents being torn between security and adventure so you may find one of these potential partners is steady and reliable and the other is daring and adventurous.
Reversed Meaning:
In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship the Two of Wands reversed indicates that you or your partner may be finding your relationship mundane and boring but you are staying together because you see it as the safest bet. This Minor Arcana card reversed can also signify that the relationship may be holding you back but you are afraid to leave as you fear the unknown. This card is also a travel card but when it reverses it can indicate that you or your partner is considering going travelling or emigrating but the other wants to stay put. This could lead to a breakup when it appears in your Tarot reading. Alternatively, if your partner has been withdrawn or detached the Two of Wands reversed could be an indication of a sudden turnaround where your partner re-engages with the relationship. If you are single, the Two of Wands reversed can indicate that you will have a choice between staying single or getting back with your ex. You may feel like your options are restricted at the moment but there are more choices out there than you realise. Alternatively, like the upright version, the Two of Wands reversed can indicate that you will have a choice between two lovers but the reversed can indicate that you will choose the safest bet.