Upright Meaning:
When the Wheel of Fortune appears in a home and family reading, it suggests that your living circumstances might change unexpectedly. There may be new opportunities, with travel on the cards. Keep your mind open and go where your heart takes you. This may be a significant turning point in your life.
It might be good to reconnect with distant friends and family right now, with the Wheel turning in a full circle. They might appear in your life, and leave any issues you have with them in the past. Recall the message of karma that the Wheel of Fortune brings, and keep your energy positive.
Reversed Meaning:
Bad luck, conflict, and upheaval have really affected your home life right now. There are challenges within your family unit, and friendships may be tense. Things may be really hard for you, with the bad luck feeling never-ending.
Of course, bad luck will end eventually! The universe is reminding you to stay positive and send out good energy. You may feel negativity towards certain friends or family members, but now is the time to work on this. Try to understand things from their perspective and remind yourself of the good things that they bring to your life! If you send them love, they will reflect the love back towards you.